Humans are More Than Test Scores
There’s no denying that Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI are taking the world by storm. Every time you turn around, they’re getting smarter, more creative, and beating humans on standardized tests. Medical students are being outperformed on exams, doctors are being surpassed in diagnostic accuracy, and even empathy towards patients is apparently being matched, although that study had its limitations. Law students are being beaten on LSAT scores, and some AI models are even improving on formal IQ tests.
But hold on a minute. Honestly none of this really impresses me.
Are we really just the sum of our test scores? There’s so much more to being human than acing exams.
What about love, empathy, kindness, perception, anticipating others’ needs, forward-thinking, making mutually beneficial deals, and creating situations of equality and non-discrimination? How about how we treat our family and friends, our ability to collaborate and learn quickly — these are the things that truly define us.
The best doctors aren’t always the ones with the highest test scores. There are times when you need a human touch, a hand on your shoulder, and a compassionate voice saying, “I’m sorry, I have some bad news. You have cancer. But I will be there with you the entire time to help you get through this.” Do you want that coming from a human or an iPad?
The same goes for lawyers. The best ones aren’t necessarily those with the highest LSAT scores.
Many of the best business professionals don’t even have an MBA.
What makes a good human is more than just numbers on a page.
These LLMs and Generative AI models are undeniably impressive, but they’re sophisticated imitators and statistical models at their core. The human mind is so much more than that. We have intuition, creativity, and the ability to surprise and innovate. We also have spontaneity.
Every technology goes through a hype cycle, and right now, we’re reaching peak hype with Generative AI. But let’s not get carried away. We don’t judge humans solely based on their objective scores, and we shouldn’t start now. We judge people on their character and values.
These tools can augment our memory and spark creativity, but they’re no substitute for genuine human connection. Using LLMs is like walking through the woods in a pair of VR glasses — it’s impressive, but it’s not the real thing. Going outside and experiencing nature with all your senses, smelling the trees, and listening to the birds — that’s what real connection is all about.
So, let’s not throw out human-to-human interactions just yet. Instead, let’s treasure them. Embrace the power of AI, but never forget the irreplaceable value of human touch, empathy, and genuine connection.